Innovative Visuals for Exceptional Brands
Infinity Images is an integrated design, print and fabrication house headquartered in Portland, Oregon. From large-format printing to custom displays, we transform design concepts into impactful visual experiences.
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Our Clients

We work with brands that have a story to tell. These are just a few of the clients that look to us for our visionary thinking and graphics expertise.


Enhance Your Project with Specialty Printing Effects

July 24, 2024
Big brands deserve bold graphics, and we’ve got some specialty printing tricks up our sleeve.
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What Does Large-Format Printing Mean?

June 19, 2024
How should you know if we’re the right kind of printer for your project? We’re glad you asked.
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As a printing company located in a region known for its natural beauty and resources, the importance of sustainability is not lost on us. From the materials used in our work to the energy used in our facilities, we take responsibility to operate with a greener world in mind.

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Let's Make It Happen
Hand us a napkin sketch or a full-fledged retail campaign. We’ll bring your project to life.
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